Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can… Boost Energy! Lose Weight! Soothe Digestion! Avoid Illness! And Achieve Wellness! Susan didn’t either…

Susan had just turned 50 and had never felt worse in her life. She even wondered if she’d seen her best days. Worse, she’d resigned herself to sitting at home while her friends enjoyed the weekly “girl’s night out” she used to look forward to with so much anticipation.

She didn’t even want to look in the mirror much less socialize. She felt that no amount of makeup could brighten her dull complexion… her baggiest jeans couldn’t hide the belly fat… and she didn’t even have the energy to muster conversations with friends. Worst of all, she didn’t care.

Susan had given up.

What had changed? She’d traded in wine with friends for warm skim milk — the only thing that didn’t give her acid indigestion — and a shamefully early bedtime. She could barely stay awake till 9 PM…

And if she was up any later, she might give in to chocolate or cheese. That was a sure guarantee she’d spend another sleepless night in pure agony, her throat and chest on fire — and wake even more exhausted than she already felt every, single morning.

Susan felt like she’d aged from 45 to 85 in the blink of an eye — and her lifeforce was slowly draining…

Until she discovered 2 little letters that changed her life forever!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Dear Friend,

They are “pH”… and when your body’s pH is out of balance — the acid waste in your cells sets you up for all sorts of problems we mistakenly attribute to old age like…

So, let me ask you this… would you ever drink a cup of acid?

Of course, you wouldn’t! It would literally eat you from the inside out — causing tremendous pain and eventually death!

But consider this: Most of the foods we eat in the standard American diet are sending the acid levels in your body off the charts.

You might not feel excruciating pain like you would if you spilled acid on your skin… but I’m sure you’ve experienced the intense discomfort of acid reflux… the burning pain you feel in your chest… the taste of acid in your throat…

But that’s only an inkling of what’s happening below the surface…

You won’t really feel what the acidic environment inside your body is doing until it bubbles over and erupts like a volcano…

Is it old age or acid overload?

That’s exactly what happened to Susan. It’s happened to countless other women — and men, too. And it happened to me…

Can you imagine resigning yourself to believing that the gas, bloating, acid reflux, fatigue, unexplainable aches and pains, and frequent bathroom visits were all just a natural part of “old age”?

I did — until I stumbled on the alkaline secret to ULTIMATE VITALITY!

I’ll explain more in a moment, but first, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Margaret Cantwell, and I’m Editor for Easy Health Options®.

In our Easy Health Digest® newsletter, I reveal amazingly simple natural solutions to some of your most vexing health problems…

And when a renowned doctor revealed the shocking results of his intensive research into the root cause of some of today’s most common (and uncomfortable) health problems I was stunned and had to share it with you…

How pH can get your younger self back

Susan’s story is not unique. After I experienced it myself, I heard it dozens of times from people her age — and younger.

It’s crazy to think that what you eat can cause dangerous acid to build up in the cells and tissues of your body and skyrocket the risk of serious “old age” health problems — including cancer, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes and much more!

Much less, make you feel like you’re aging at warp speed.

But, as I learned, everything mainstream medicine thought about the causes of age-related health problems was obsolete — as new studies pointed to a brand-new, totally unexpected culprit…


Let me explain. You’ve probably heard of pH. It stands for “potential of hydrogen” and it’s measured on a scale of 0 (100% acidic) to 14 (100% alkaline).

Your overall health is closely linked to your body’s pH levels. A healthy person with perfectly balanced pH has a reading of about 7.4 in the blood and 7.0 in tissue.

How do you keep your body in pH balance… I’ll get to that in just a moment… but know this…

When you are born, your body was in perfect balance, even slightly alkaline. And your body works hard to keep your blood at the slightly alkaline pH of 7.35 to 7.45.

When your pH drops below 7.0, you become more and more acidic — and that’s where you run into trouble.

When your body is too acidic — you’re a “sitting duck” for pain and suffering!

But when your body is in a slightly alkaline state — you can AVOID and even CONQUER just about any health problem including:

Not to mention…

And you’re bombarded by acid…

Our modern diet… high-stress lifestyle… and chemical-filled world all combine to push you to an unhealthy pH!

When you’re young, it’s easier to burn off any acid waste that accumulates in your body. But as you get older, your body slows down and can’t eliminate this extra acid as well. So it continues to build up over time.

Silently, you enter an acidic state that lays out the welcome mat for dangerous health problems that can make your life miserable!

Excess acid in your tissues allows…

Harmful organisms to thrive in your body — and spill over into your bloodstream…

…and your immune system’s response is to trigger chronic inflammation… which left unchecked sets you up for a lifetime of illness!

But that’s not all. An acidic pH also causes:

Frankly that was the LAST straw!

When you can’t even drink tap water — because you’re actually drinking “acid water” you know the odds are clearly stacked against you!

The key to healthy living is keeping your body more alkaline than acidic. It really is that simple. But…

… you’re getting bombarded with acid overload! And get this: The ONE thing that can help get you back to alkaline balance… is the ONE thing FEW people do regularly…

TIME Magazine reports 90% of Americans are deficient in this ONE alkaline-boosting savior…

Fruits and vegetables! The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends eating at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. That’s because they not only contain powerful antioxidants and nutrients for healthy living…

…they also help keep your body alkaline!

But here’s the shocking truth about fruits and vegetables… They’re not all alkalizing

…and some are downright acid-forming!

Some acidic foods actually deliver high ALKALINE power!

That’s because it’s not how the food starts out — it’s how it ends up in your body that really matters.

Some foods classified as acidic actually have an alkaline effect on your body. The act of digestion can change the acid or alkalizing effect of the foods you eat.

For example, lemons and limes are acidic, but when they are digested, they create an alkalizing effect on your body.

But foods like milk and cheese can start off as alkaline — but then become acidic during digestion.

It’s the minerals that are left behind that determine the final effect on your body. Minerals that remove the hydrogen from your body like potassium or calcium are alkalizing. Acidic minerals such as sulfur and hydrogen have an acidic effect.

This can make it a real challenge to figure out just what to eat to alkalize your body. That’s why I’ve written a Special Easy Health Options® Alert to give you the real story of acid overload — and to reveal how easy it is to relieve, and even reverse, your worst illnesses.

It’s called The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality: Go from acid to alkaline to boost energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness!

This fascinating Special Health Alert reveals…

  • Why your internal acid levels are sky-high — setting you up for dangerous chronic illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease…
  • 5 Delicious Alkalizing Foods that help lower acid levels, wash away toxins and deliver extra nutritional power — all at the same time.
SPECIAL ALERT: The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality!
  • Are you drinking “acid water?” Why the water you drink to stay hydrated and healthy could actually be working against you.
  • 36 delicious recipes to help alkalize your body — and boost your health…
  • And much more!
SPECIAL ALERT: The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality!

Four BIG Acid-Boosting Culprits That Set the Stage for Chronic Disease

It doesn’t take much to throw off the delicate acid/alkaline balance in your body — and send your body sailing into a frustrating cycle of sickness and disease. But usually one of these Four Acid-Boosters is to blame…

Acid Booster #1: Normal Body Processes

That’s right… your own body creates acid as a byproduct of its normal, everyday function.

For example… After you breathe in oxygen, you breathe out carbon dioxide, a form of carbonic acid. Your liver makes bile acids, which are stored in your gall bladder. Your kidneys excrete uric acid. Your muscles make lactic acid. And your stomach uses hydrochloric acid to digest the food you eat.

In fact, every living cell in your body produces acids because of its fundamental metabolism.

In The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality: Go from acid to alkaline to boost energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness! You’ll not only discover the potentially damaging acids created by your own body — but you’ll see the amazing plan your body has in place to neutralize those acids before they can do you harm. It reveals…

Order The Alkaline Secret for Ultimate Vitality and receive 2 FREE Gifts!

“The countless names attached to illnesses do not really matter. What does matter is that they all come from the same root cause… too much tissue acid waste in the body!”

— Dr. Theodore Baroody, author of Alkalize or Die

Acid Booster #2: Your Diet

Every day, we fill our plates with processed, nutrient-poor foods that are loaded with chemical additives and pesticides — and shoot our acid levels through the roof.

That’s right: Eggs, meat, bread, cheese, sugar, coffee, cereal, soft drinks, crackers, and dozens of other foods and beverages — as well as highly processed convenience foods and fast foods — are ALL acid-forming.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that over 38 million Americans suffer from acid overload, but that’s probably a conservative estimate. Anyone who follows the typical Western diet and lifestyle (which includes most of us!!) has close to a 100% chance of falling victim to acid overload.

In my Special Health Alert, The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality: Go from acid to alkaline to boost energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness! you’ll discover how to distinguish between foods that raise your body’s acidic levels — and foods that help you stay in that healthy alkaline zone. It reveals…

SPECIAL ALERT: The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality! SPECIAL ALERT: The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality!

The Two Biggest Acid-Boosters in Your Diet

corn field

The most acidifying nutrients in the American diet are high fructose corn syrup and table sugar (sucrose), both of which contain glucose and fructose. Researchers reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that oral ingestion of glucose depresses lymphocyte function almost like a poison. Sugar has also been shown to hamper the immune defense against bacterial infection.

Acid Booster #3: Stress

In our complicated, busy lives, stress is hard to avoid. Right now, you could be facing…

On top of that, you get stuck in a traffic jam — when you were already running late for your appointment. The hot water heater is on the blink again — and the plumber can’t fix it until next week. And your granddaughter — the apple of your eye — just got her nose pierced.

Stress is normal, but here’s the problem:

Stress of all kinds — whether it’s emotional, mental or physical — can throw off your body’s natural pH balance. Stressful thoughts and emotions, for example, can cause significant physiological changes in your body — releasing a series of events that trigger harmful acid byproducts.

In The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality: Go from acid to alkaline to boost energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness! you’ll discover the effect prolonged stress has on your organs and body functions. Plus, you’ll learn how to better manage the stress in your life — for a healthier you. It reveals…

Order The Alkaline Secret for Ultimate Vitality today and receive 2 FREE Gifts

repressed emotions

“Repressed emotions, excessive anger, ‘acid’ thoughts, and other emotions can (all) increase acidity.”

— Gabriel Cousens, M.D.


Acid Booster #4: The Environment

Today’s world DRENCHES you in acidity!

Take the carpeting in your home or office, for example. Right now, it’s emitting acid-based gases like formaldehyde, benzene, toluene and xylene that tax your body’s cleansing and detox channels — and skyrocket your acid levels.

In my Special Health Alert, The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality: Go from acid to alkaline to boost energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness! I reveal the surprising acid-boosters that surround you each and every day, including…

Order The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality today — and get TWO SPECIAL FREE gifts!

Don’t stay in the dark any longer!

Now you have the secret to healing your own body and protect it from all the diseases of our age by balancing your body’s pH.

In The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality: Go from acid to alkaline to boost energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness! you’ll also discover…

You’ll get all this and more in your very own copy of The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality: Go from acid to alkaline to boost energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness! In fact…

SPECIAL ALERT: The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality!

You can receive this lifesaving Special Health Alert at HALF OFF the $39.95 cover price!

Plus Get Two More Urgent Reports!

I want to get this urgent Special Alert into the hands of as many people as possible… that’s because you don’t have to let the acid that bombards you every day ruin your health… you can go from acid to alkaline and experience vibrant health with the easy-to-follow tips and remedies you’ll find in this Health Alert.

And that’s why I’ll send you The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality: Go from acid to alkaline to boost energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness! for only $19.95 — HALF OFF the published price.

And why not order now, since you’re protected by…

A lifetime, money-back guarantee of satisfaction. You must be thrilled with the information you receive, or you’ll get all your money back. There’s absolutely no risk and nothing to return.

100% Money Back Life-time Guarantee

The health-saving information you’ll find in your Special Health Alert — The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality: Go from acid to alkaline to boost energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness! is so groundbreaking you won’t find it anywhere else.

You won’t find it in your local bookstore… you won’t find it on Amazon! It’s only available directly from Easy Health Options®.

These pH-balancing secrets have been compiled from years and years of extensive research of natural wellness solutions.

We’ve combed through thousands of studies and research reports (so you don’t have to) to find the very best, most successful natural strategies you can use to bust acid overload for better blood pressure… cholesterol… heart health… bone health… digestive health and to protect you from the ravages of diabetes… arthritis… and even cancer.

Imagine… no excuses for your doctor… no explaining all the ways you’re “trying” to eat better… exercise more… and lose weight… plus no prescription medication… and no disappointed looks… none of that, when you get the wellness strategies in your Special Health Alert — The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality: Go from acid to alkaline to boost energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness!

But that’s not all I want to send you! In fact, that’s just scratching the surface because you’re going to need to know what foods can lead you to a balanced pH and what foods can set you up for dangerous acid overload and unwanted health problems…

…because it’s not always easy to tell! And not all fruits and vegetables are alkaline… that’s why I want to send you another one of our urgent reports — Eating for Healthy Alkaline-Acid Balance

FREE Report: Eating for Healthy Alkaline-Acid Balance

It’s a scientific and medical fact…

…If you have a health problem, there’s a good chance you have too much acid in your body.

In this free bonus report, you’ll discover…

This is a $19.95 value, you’ll get FREE today, Wednesday, October 23, 2024! But that’s not all because I also want to send you another FREE gift that will show you how to —

Unleash Unlimited Energy in Your Body…

FREE Report: Unleash Unlimited Energy in Your Body…

Do you know people who seem to have unlimited and spontaneous energy? Do you want to know their secret?

In this special FREE report, you’ll discover…

This is another $19.95 value, you’ll get FREE when you order today, Wednesday, October 23, 2024!

So why not get your copies right now?

Add it up yourself… you’ll get:

The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality book package
  • The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality: Go from acid to alkaline to boost energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness!normally sells for $39.95!
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  • Unleash Unlimited Energy in Your Body — a $19.95 value!

That’s a $79.85 value, all for just $19.95!


But the reality is these urgent strategies are priceless when it comes to protecting your good health… and you won’t find them anywhere else!

The price of this life-saving information is pennies in comparison to the cost of doctor’s visits, prescription medications and hospitalizations!

And just remember, you must be thrilled with what you receive, or you’ll get all your money back. Every penny. You risk nothing — and you don’t have to return a thing!

So why not order right now? You get The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality plus your two FREE gifts Eating for Healthy Alkaline-Acid Balance … and Unleash Unlimited Energy in Your Body right now!


Don’t put up with chronic illness one moment longer! You can neutralize the acid levels in your body… regain your health… and enjoy a full, vibrant life…

The late Dr. George W. Crile, cofounder of the Cleveland Clinic, once said…

“There is no natural death. All deaths from so-called natural causes are merely the endpoint of a progressive acid saturation.”

For you, that’s actually good news. Because there are steps you can take — starting today — to balance the pH in your body… maintain normal alkalinity… and avoid the most common 21st-century diseases like Diabetes… Obesity… and Heart Disease.

Order The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality: Go from acid to alkaline to boost energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness! today and you’ll also discover how to:


Yours for healthy living,

Margaret Cantwell signature

Margaret Cantwell
Editor, Easy Health Options®

P.S. Remember… when you place your order today, Wednesday, October 23, 2024, you’ll get both Eating for Healthy Alkaline-Acid Balance and Unleash Unlimited Energy in Your Body — for Free!

That’s a total value of $39.90 in extra FREE Gifts — for just $19.95. So order now!

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Special Alert! - The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality

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