It’s Worse Than Alzheimer’s… and Strikes Without Warning

Your Most Precious Memories ERASED

Your wedding… the birth of your first child…
your greatest days and happiest times…
GONE in an instant!

This “unexplained” type of memory loss is not only worse, but it’s far more common than Alzheimer’s disease — and it can strike at any time. And it’s your doctor’s treatment that puts you at risk in the first place!

READ ON to discover…

  • Solid scientific studies that prove the entire medical establishment — including your doctor — has been lying to you for years…
  • The popular drug that makes it FOUR times more likely you’ll lose your memory — and the secret behind its mind-stealing abilities…
  • The natural substance created in your body that medical experts say is bad for you — and why you NEED it to think clearly and remember things…
  • Taking a drug to prevent heart disease? What your doctor is NOT telling you about its effect on your brain — and your sex life…
  • And much more!

Dear Health-Conscious Friend:

When Dr. Duane Graveline returned home from his usual morning stroll in the woods, something was wrong.

His wife knew it the moment she glanced out the kitchen window. Her brilliant husband — the Johns Hopkins-trained M.D. and former astronaut — was walking aimlessly around their driveway and yard.

He looked lost. Confused.

Worried, she ran outside — only to be shooed away.

He didn’t even recognize her!

At a loss as to what to do, she offered him his regular snack of cookies and milk. Dr. Graveline accepted the food — reluctantly. But he wouldn’t go into the house. And he refused to get into the car with her to see the family doctor — someone he had been friends with for years.

Now thoroughly scared, his wife put him on the phone with his physician. But, the doctor had to do some heavy persuading to get him to agree to an examination. You see… Dr. Graveline did not remember him either.

All the poor woman could think was…

“Something Is Terribly Wrong!”

His condition had nothing to do with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

In fact, what he was experiencing is far more common than Alzheimer’s — and just as terrifying.

Even worse, if your doctor gets his way, it’s something YOU could experience, too.

But, before I tell you exactly what was going on, we need to rewind six weeks. That’s when Dr. Graveline received his annual physical at the Johnson Space Center in Houston.

His cholesterol was measured at 280, which was much too high for his doctor. So, he was given a prescription for Lipitor (just 10 mg). Dr. Graveline didn’t think twice about taking it for his cholesterol…

…Until that confusing morning just weeks later when he couldn’t remember his own house… his own yard… or even his own wife.

“Where the Hell am I?”

When Dr. Graveline came to his senses six hours later, he was surprised to “wake up” in the office of a neurologist.

The diagnosis? Transient global amnesia.

The cause? Unknown.

Of course, the doctors insisted Lipitor had nothing to do with his mysterious loss of memory. It was just a coincidence, they said.

Dr. Graveline wasn’t so sure. So, he quit taking the statin. And, immediately, the memory problems vanished. No more signs of dementia. In fact, he did not suffer any amnesia relapses over the next year.

During that time, Dr. Graveline went on a fact-finding mission — questioning more than 30 different respected and knowledgeable doctors, and even a few pharmacists, as to any record of Lipitor causing memory problems.

They all decisively said “no.”

That’s When Dr. Graveline Made a Critical Error…

He believed the medical establishment.

Now, you might be wondering… why wouldn’t he? After all, medical doctors are the experts. If your physician says your high cholesterol levels put you at risk for heart disease, you believe him. You take the prescribed statin drug. End of story.

That was Dr. Graveline’s mentality when he went back to NASA for his next physical.

His cholesterol levels were still too high, but, like you, he trusted his doctor. That terrifying loss of memory he had the previous year while taking the statin drug? It was probably just a coincidence, like all the medical experts said. There was no reason he shouldn’t take the 5 mg dose (half the amount he was first prescribed) of Lipitor his physician prescribed.

So, he did.

I’m Sure You can Guess What Happened Next…

In about six weeks, Dr. Graveline had another episode of amnesia.

His life after graduating from high school disappeared. It was like someone had reached into his mind and erased all memories of his marriage and four children… his medical school days… his years as a USAF flight surgeon… his selection as a NASA scientist-astronaut… and all the books he wrote.

Everything was gone.

But this time, when he “woke up” 12 hours later, he knew the truth.

Something was wrong with statin drugs. And something definitely was NOT right about blocking cholesterol. In fact, he was beginning to suspect…

“A Vast Pharma Conspiracy”

You see, we’ve been lied to, my friend. The medical establishment has been pulling the proverbial wool over our eyes for years.

Cholesterol is bad for you, they say. You need to lower your levels to protect your heart, they say. But, they’re WRONG!

In the famous Framingham Heart Study, researchers discovered that low HDL cholesterol — not high LDL cholesterol — is linked to heart disease.1,2 And, in a Yale University study of 1,000 subjects, people with low cholesterol had as many fatal heart attacks as people with high cholesterol.3

Cholesterol level made NO difference! In fact, three separate studies of elderly people published in the journal Lancet found that participants with higher cholesterol lived longer than their low-cholesterol peers.4,5,6

After Dr. Graveline said goodbye to statins a second time, he lived to the ripe old age of 85 — longer than most of his doctors!

If the medical community is wrong about cholesterol and heart disease, they must also be wrong about cholesterol’s role in your body — and especially in your brain.

That’s why we feel it’s so urgent to get this new book — The Cholesterol Super-Brain, Hidden secret to using your mind’s most essential nutrient for optimal brain health, faster thinking and a picture-perfect memory — into your hands as soon as possible. Because, not only does taking statins NOT help your heart…

Consider this…

Your brain is only 2-3 percent of your total body weight, but it contains a staggering 25 percent of all the cholesterol in your body. You NEED cholesterol to keep your brain functioning on all cylinders!

According to a study in JAMA Internal Medicine, people who take statins (or any kind of cholesterol-lowering drug) were nearly FOUR times more likely to report memory loss, compared to people not taking the drugs.7

However, despite the fact that statins have been on the market for over 30 years, it took until 2012 for the FDA to officially recognize that the drugs could cause cognitive side effects, like memory loss and confusion.

And to this day, many doctors — including the ones who treated Dr. Graveline — fail to make the connection between statins and lapses in memory.

This is a problem, because…

Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs Interfere with Your Memory and Cognition in 3 Different Ways

You’ve probably heard that statins hinder your body’s ability to produce CoQ10 — the nutrient you need to generate cellular energy. It’s been well publicized how much this power deficit affects your heart, which needs massive amounts of energy to pump life-giving blood throughout your body. But, this isn’t the only statin “side effect” you need to worry about…

  1. Statins slash the amount of CoQ10 your brain cells NEED to generate the energy required for thinking, learning and remembering. (Yes, your brain needs CoQ10, too. Without ample amounts to power up your neurons, your memory begins to fail.)
  2. Statin drugs wipe out a brain-boosting mineral. I’m talking about zinc! This powerful antioxidant doesn’t only support a strong immune system, it also helps prevent the development of amyloid plaques in your brain that have been linked to Alzheimer’s.
  3. Some statins cross your blood-brain barrier and interfere with the production of cholesterol in your brain. When your gray matter runs too low on cholesterol, your thinking becomes fuzzy, and you start to forget things. (But more on that in a moment.)

In The Cholesterol Super-Brain, Hidden secret to using your mind’s most essential nutrient for optimal brain health, faster thinking and a picture-perfect memory, we’ll reveal even more about the little-known statin and brain-health connection. Plus, you’ll discover…

  • Brain troubles are just the beginning: The shocking percentage of people on statins who suffer painful physical side effects — like muscle pain, weakness and cramping…
  • Another statin “oops” by the medical establishment! They skyrocket your risk of diabetes if you have high levels of this inflammation marker…
  • The surprising reason why you NEED higher levels of cholesterol as you age (nature knows what it’s doing!)…
  • Specific B vitamins you should take to hinder the development of memory-damaging plaque — and reduce your homocysteine levels (a risk factor for Alzheimer’s)…
  • And much more!

But, the abilities of statins to drain your CoQ10 supply… zap your zinc levels… and cross that crucial blood-brain barrier are just part of the problem. You see… the main goal of statins is to lower your cholesterol. And the fact is…

The Cholesterol Produced in Your Brain Creates Lightning-Fast Thoughts and a Steel-Trap Memory!

According to The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, researchers examining the elderly found that the BEST memory function was linked to the HIGHEST levels of total and LDL cholesterol.8

“If you deprive cholesterol from the brain, then you directly affect the machinery that triggers the release of neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters affect the data-processing and memory functions. In other words — how smart you are and how well you remember things.”14

—Yeon-Kyun Shin, Iowa State University scientist

Surprised? You’re not the only one. The scientists were shocked. They never expected to see that result. And they probably didn’t think other studies would have similar findings. But, they did…

  • Researchers at the Center on Aging and Health at Johns Hopkins University followed nearly 400 study participants from age 70 to age 88. And they discovered that “high cholesterol in late life was associated with decreased dementia risk.” 9
  • Boston University scientists kept track of about 2,000 subjects for 16–18 years — performing cognitive tests on them every 4–6 years. They found that the lower the cholesterol, the worst participants performed.10
  • In a Finnish study, researchers observed that men who developed Alzheimer’s had a decrease in cholesterol levels prior to the “clinical manifestations” of the disease.11
  • Research presented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2021 Annual Meeting found, via PET scans, that lipophilic statins were shown to destroy the metabolism of the first area of your brain affected by Alzheimer’s and more than double the risk of dementia.

The truth is… cholesterol plays several major roles in your brain function. It helps…

Fire Up Brain Cell Communication — For Instant Recall and the Ability to Think Fast on Your Feet

Scientists discovered that glial cells in your brain actually make cholesterol to help your neurons create synapses — or connections — with one another. Your ability to think, form memories and learn — and yes, ALL of your mental functions — are dependent on this process happening smoothly.

However, statin drugs harm your glial cells and hinder cholesterol production. As a result, few connections are formed between neurons… vital communication is disrupted… and your brain function takes a nose dive.

And, the lower your cholesterol goes, the more your brain slows down. That’s when you begin to experience memory loss… fuzzy thinking… difficulty learning new things… and even frightening global transient amnesia.

In The Cholesterol Super-Brain, Hidden secret to using your mind’s most essential nutrient for optimal brain health, faster thinking and a picture-perfect memory — you’ll discover more about cholesterol’s vital role in your brain. For example, you’ll learn…

  • How low levels of cholesterol wage an all-out war against an important brain chemical — and trigger emotional upheavals, such as aggressiveness… increased sensitivity… paranoia… depression… and even thoughts of suicide…
  • The little-known way cholesterol coats and protects your neurons — and boosts your brain and nervous system health…
  • The powerful brain-boosting supplement that has been proven in studies to improve cognitive function in aging patients — increasing their ability to learn and remember things by 33%…
  • The amazing amino acid that helps reverse the progress of Alzheimer’s disease with powerful antioxidant effects — significantly boosting memory and cognitive scores in studies…
  • And much more!

So, yes. If you’re going to remember things easily and think fast on your feet, you NEED cholesterol to make those crucial brain connections. What’s more, it also helps…

Protect Against Alzheimer’s, Depression and Other Brain Disorders — so You can Keep a Razor-Sharp Mind as You Age

Did you know cholesterol turns UV rays into vitamin D?

When sunlight hits your skin, cholesterol is changed to 7-Dehydrocholesterol which is then converted to much-needed vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). This vitamin D goes on to bind to “vitamin D receptors” that go deep into your DNA — and make decisions to activate genes or turn them off.

Vitamin D’s Secret Identity

Vitamin D is more than just a “vitamin.” It gets converted into a steroid hormone — like estrogen and testosterone — in your body! As this hormone, vitamin D regulates more than 1,000 different physiological processes. Plus, it affects nearly 3,000 of your genes — mostly in your brain.

Not only do you need adequate levels of vitamin D to maintain a healthy heart, immunity and bone strength, but it’s also necessary for optimal brain function. The problem is… an estimated 50 percent of Americans — including 95 percent of senior citizens — are deficient in vitamin D.

That concerns me because low vitamin D levels have been linked in studies to a variety of neurodegenerative diseases — like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and MS.12

In The Cholesterol Super-Brain, Hidden secret to using your mind’s most essential nutrient for optimal brain health, faster thinking and a picture-perfect memory, we’ll reveal more about this little-known connection between low cholesterol levels and vitamin D deficiency. Plus, you’ll discover…

  • How vitamin D recharges your “feel-good” neurotransmitters in your brain and protects you against depression — if you have enough cholesterol to produce it…
  • Why a staggering 95% of elderly people don’t have enough vitamin D for good health (and it’s not just because they tend to spend more time indoors)…
  • The little-known “mastermind” behind hormone creation in your body — and the far-reaching effects it has on your memory… blood sugar levels… satisfaction in the bedroom… and overall vitality…
  • Triglycerides over 100? Simple, natural steps you can take now to protect your heart and your brain from big trouble…
  • And much more!

Even better, with cholesterol you can…

Revitalize Your Sex Life — and Remember Every Single Intimate Moment

Most people don’t realize this, but cholesterol creates all the important hormones in your body — such as progesterone, estrogen, cortisol and testosterone. Without adequate amounts to fuel this process, your health and sexual vitality take a huge hit.

Connection Found Between Healthy Sex Life and Good Memory!

Scientists at Princeton University found that sexual activity boosts cell growth in your hippocampus — where your long-term memories are made.

The problem is… low levels of cholesterol decimate the testosterone men need for a healthy sex life — and that shoots your mental clarity to smithereens.

For example, low levels of cholesterol lead to low levels of testosterone. And that does more than just destroy your sex life. It also makes it more difficult for you to remember things.

Scientists at the Oregon Health & Science University gave testosterone-deprived men a list of words to remember. They learned them quickly, but, after only two minutes, there was a sharp drop in recall. The words were quickly forgotten.13

These results suggest that low levels of testosterone affect the function of the hippocampus — the area of your brain where memories are formed. Learned information simply does not get stored — and is swiftly lost.

This is just a glimpse of the damage low levels of cholesterol can do to your memory and your health. In The Cholesterol Super-Brain, Hidden secret to using your mind’s most essential nutrient for optimal brain health, faster thinking and a picture-perfect memory — you’ll also discover…

  • 16 health “red flags” in men that reveal you are unknowingly sabotaging your health… accelerating aging… and ruining your quality of life — simply because your cholesterol is too low…
  • The essential mineral that’s annihilated by statin drugs — hurting your immunity… your vision… your reproductive health… and even your sense of taste…
  • The single most important supplement you can take to protect and boost your brain health while lowering your cholesterol (And, no. It’s not CoQ10)…
  • Why low levels of cholesterol raise your risk of developing one of the most dreaded diseases to mankind (Yes, I’m talking about cancer)…
  • And much more!

But that’s not all. Cholesterol also helps…

Neutralize Dangerous Free Radicals — for Healthier Brain Cells and a More Youthful Memory

You probably don’t think of cholesterol as an antioxidant. Most people don’t — including the majority of the folks in the mainstream medical establishment. But scientific evidence is now showing that cholesterol has the astounding ability to protect your cells from free radical attacks.

Molecular “Thieves” are Stealing from Your Cells — and Destroying Your Brain Health!

Free radicals are generated during normal metabolic processes in your body — and as the result of exposure to toxins, stress, strenuous exercise or illness. They are unstable molecules that snatch electrons from otherwise healthy cells — causing damage in your cells, organs and tissues.

Antioxidants — like cholesterol — are the only way to stop them and protect your cells from harm.

This supposed “enemy of your health” is actually part of your cell membranes. It works to repair the damage caused by inflammation and free radicals — and even protects your cells from being injured in the first place. And nowhere is this protective ability needed more than in your brain.

Your gray matter generates an astronomical amount of free radicals through normal daily function. But, it lacks the level of antioxidant protection you have elsewhere in your body. When you take statins and destroy the levels of cholesterol in your brain, you’re stealing away a critical cell “bodyguard” — and setting yourself up for brain cell damage and memory problems.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way. The Cholesterol Super-Brain, Hidden secret to using your mind’s most essential nutrient for optimal brain health, faster thinking and a picture-perfect memory reveals how to maintain optimal levels of cholesterol for a healthy brain and body. Within its pages, you’ll discover…

  • The fatty acid “garbage men” that haul waste out of your brain — including those amyloid-beta plaques that lead to Alzheimer’s — for more efficient cognitive function…
  • The real reason the Alzheimer’s epidemic continues to get worse. (You won’t hear this from your doctor)…
  • The devastating effect low levels of cholesterol have on men — slashing sex drive… eroding muscle strength… triggering weight gain (and “man boobs”)… and more…
  • The tiny sea creature that delivers the omega-3s you need for a healthier brain and lower cholesterol — and protects against free radical damage 65 times more powerfully than vitamin C…
  • And much more!

But, The Cholesterol Super-Brain, Hidden secret to using your mind’s most essential nutrient for optimal brain health, faster thinking and a picture-perfect memory doesn’t just tell you WHY you need healthy levels of cholesterol for a healthy mind and body…

You Get a Powerful “Prescription” for Improving Your Memory, Cognition and Overall Health

Most doctors are convinced you can’t get your cholesterol low enough. But, scientific studies are showing a different story…

What the American Heart Association does NOT Want You to Know

A 30-year follow-up to the famous Framingham Heart Study found that death from all causes increased 11 percent for each 1 percent drop in cholesterol. In other words, the lower the cholesterol… the higher the death rate!

…that keeping your total cholesterol value above 200 is necessary for better memory and enhanced cognitive function.

If that number scares you, remember… cholesterol itself has NOT been linked to heart disease. According to heart surgeon Dr. Dwight Lundell, M.D., it’s inflammation in your arteries that traps cholesterol and causes heart-endangering plaque to form. Inflammation is the true culprit behind heart disease — not cholesterol.

That’s why we don’t only discuss optimizing your cholesterol levels in The Cholesterol Super-Brain, Hidden secret to using your mind’s most essential nutrient for optimal brain health, faster thinking and a picture-perfect memory. We also reveal ways to boost your brain, heart and overall health. For example, you’ll discover…

  • The meat “alternative” that helps keep your brain from shrinking — and makes your gray matter grow younger…
  • Ditch the statins! How to safely and effectively reduce your risk of heart disease with 8 powerful, all-natural supplements…
  • The potent moss extract that offers a safer, more effective Alzheimer’s treatment than the drug Aricept — and also protects your neurons from death caused by toxic levels of glutamate in your brain…
  • The berry extracts that greatly reduced memory-stealing beta amyloid protein and improved cognitive function in an animal study…
  • And much more!

The good news is…

When you order The Cholesterol Super-Brain, Hidden secret to using your mind’s most essential nutrient for optimal brain health, faster thinking and a picture-perfect memory today, you get $50 OFF the published price — and receive two FREE Bonus Gifts!

Thanks to the mainstream medical establishment, the information in The Cholesterol Super-Brain, Hidden secret to using your mind’s most essential nutrient for optimal brain health, faster thinking and a picture-perfect memory is not public knowledge. It took a ton of digging and research to get the real facts. To be honest, the amount of work that went into the book could have resulted in a cover price well over $69.95.

But, that’s not what I’m going to charge you. I don’t want the price to stand in the way of you knowing the truth about cholesterol. You need to be prepared when your doctor pushes you to take statin drugs, so you can make the BEST decision for your health — and avoid memory loss, cognitive problems and terrifying bouts of amnesia like Dr. Graveline experienced.

That’s why you can get The Cholesterol Super-Brain, Hidden secret to using your mind’s most essential nutrient for optimal brain health, faster thinking and a picture-perfect memory for only $19.95 — $50 OFF the published price — today!

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So, if there’s no risk, what are you waiting for?

Get the Truth About Cholesterol Today — and Keep Your Mind Sharp and Clear for Years to Come

Your days of blind belief in every word your doctor says about cholesterol are officially over.

You’ve learned that cholesterol does NOT increase your risk of heart disease, as you have been told. But you also know something even more important…

Lowering your cholesterol — especially with the use of statin drugs — does something your physician doesn’t want to admit. It makes it FOUR times more likely you’ll experience memory loss… trouble focusing and learning… and even frightening episodes of amnesia.

But you don’t have to play Russian roulette with your memory like that. For only $19.95 — about one-third the price you’d pay for just one month of Lipitor — you can be armed with the truth. And you will have the strategies and tips you need to optimize your cholesterol levels — and experience a smarter, faster brain.

Remember, with our Lifetime 100% Money-Back Guarantee, there is absolutely NO risk. So don’t be fooled by the mainstream medical establishment for one moment longer. Go ahead and order The Cholesterol Super-Brain today.

To your health,

Margaret Cantwell signature

Margaret Cantwell
Managing Editor, Easy Health Digest™

P.S. Remember… when you order The Cholesterol Super-Brain, Hidden secret to using your mind’s most essential nutrient for optimal brain health, faster thinking and a picture-perfect memory today, you will also receive Century Old, Drug-Free Therapy to Lose Weight, Normalize Your Blood Pressure and Protect You from Serious Illness and The “Root” Cause of Heart Disease, Cancer and Diabetes That Starts in Your Mouth — a total value of $39.90 — absolutely FREE! So don’t wait. Click here to place your order now.


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  • 1 Kannel W, Dawber T, Kagan A, Revotskie N, Stokes J. “3rd Factors of risk in the development of coronary heart disease--six year follow-up experience.” Ann Intern Med. 1961;55:33—50.
  • 2 Gordon T, Castelli W, et. al. “High density lipoprotein as a protective factor against coronary heart disease: The Framingham study.” The American Journal of Medicine. 1977;62:707—14.
  • 3 Krumholz H, Seeman T, et. al. “Lack of association between cholesterol and coronary heart disease mortality and morbidity and all-cause mortality in persons older than 70 years.” JAMA. 1994 Nov 2;272(17):1335-40.
  • 4 Krumholz H, Seeman T, et. al. “Lack of association between cholesterol and coronary heart disease mortality and morbidity and all-cause mortality in persons older than 70 years.” JAMA. 1994 Nov 2;272(17):1335-40.
  • 5 Weverling-Rijnsburger AW, et. al. “Total cholesterol and risk of mortality in the oldest old.” Lancet. 1997 Oct 18;350(9085):1119-23.
  • 6 Schatz IJ, Masaki K, Yano K, Chen R, Rodriguez BL, Curb JD. “Cholesterol and all-cause mortality in elderly people from the Honolulu Heart Program: a cohort study.” Lancet. 2001 Aug 4;358(9279):351-5.
  • 7 Brian L. Strom, MD, et al. “Statin Therapy and Risk of Acute Memory Impairment.” JAMA Intern Med. 2015;175(8):1399-1405.
  • 8 West R, Schnaider Beeri M, et. al. “Better Memory Functioning Associated With Higher Total and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels in Very Elderly Subjects Without the Apolipoprotein e4 Allele.” The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. September 2008; Volume 16, Issue 9, Pages 781—785.
  • 9 Mielke M., Zandi P., Sjogren M., et al. “High total cholesterol levels in late life associated with a reduced risk of dementia,” Neurology; 2005 Vol. 64, pp. 1689-1695.
  • 10 Elias P et al, “Serum Cholesterol and Cognitive Performance in the Framingham Heart Study,” Psychosomatic Medicine 67, no.1 (2005): 24-30
  • 11 Notkola I et al, “Serum total cholesterol, apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 allele, and Alzheimer's disease,” Neuroepidemiology 1998;17(1):14-20.
  • 12 Perlmutter D., Grain Brain (Little, Brown and Company, 2013) pg 88-89.
  • 13 Oregon Health & Science University. “Testosterone Deprivation Makes Men Forget.”, October 22, 2004. Retrieved 3/26/2017 from
  • 14 Iowa State University. “Cholesterol-reducing Drugs May Lessen Brain Function, Says Researcher.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, February 26, 2009. Retrieved 3/26/2017 from

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