DEAD for 2 minutes… Now Running Marathons Again!

Four little letters saved Randy’s life. They could be saving yours, too!

Randy L., age 43, thought he was in the best shape of his life. Until he suffered a heart attack so severe that he was “dead” for two minutes before doctors revived him.


His diagnosis? Coronary heart disease. His prognosis? Less than 2 years to live.

Then Randy discovered a safe, natural treatment that made his deadly plaque as harmless as a teaspoon of sugar. Doctors couldn’t believe what happened next…

Dear Friend,

Las Vegas realtor and marathon runner Randy Lazer no longer takes life for granted. Especially after being “dead” for two minutes.

It happened back in October, 2002. Randy, age 43, just finished his third marathon and was brimming with energy. He thought he was in the best shape of his life.

Until he was rushed to the ER suffering from a massive heart attack.

Randy’s attack was so severe, he “died” for two minutes before doctors were able to revive him. Randy even recalls the white lights he saw when his heart stopped beating.

When it was over, the doctors did not have good news.

Randy’s coronary heart disease was “severely advanced.” Rock-hard plaque choked his arteries. His blood flow was severely restricted. His heart was weak and he was at prime risk for another heart attack or stroke.

His cardiologist gave him a year to live. Maybe two.

Randy may have been given a death sentence. But it wasn’t going to make him stop living.

He ate healthier foods. He started juicing. He exercised and continued running. Even after five additional heart surgeries, invasive procedures and a cocktail of drugs, Randy stayed upbeat and positive.

Finally, Randy discovered 4 little letters that saved his life.

It was an amino acid treatment so safe that the United States Food and Drug Administration has approved it as an additive to baby food.

When it entered Randy’s bloodstream, it neutralized the rogue calcium deposits that were super-glued his artery walls…

Blasted them into harmless powder…

And swept it into his kidneys where it was unceremoniously evicted from Randy’s body as a component of urine.

And if that wasn’t enough, this amino acid treatment scrubbed clean every one of the 75,000 miles of arteries, veins, and capillaries in his body…

Allowing nutrient-rich, life-giving blood to surge places it hasn’t reached in years—or even in decades.

His mind became sharp and clear. Leg and muscle cramps faded away. Weakness and fatigue was replaced by strength and endurance.

As Randy’s body rallied, the weakness and fatigue that plagued him was replaced by deep reservoirs of vibrant new energy.

Today, Randy feels reborn…

He just finished his seventh Las Vegas marathon and regularly trains at a local gym. He feels better than he has in 20 years…

And he credits his remarkable recovery to a safe and natural therapy that turned his deadly plaque into harmless dust.

So what is this secret weapon that saved Randy’s life… when the world’s most expensive drugs could not?

Scientists call it “ethylenediaminetetracetic acid,” But please don’t be put off by the fancy-schmancy jargon.

The rest of us refer to it with four little letters: “E-D-T-A.”

EDTA is backed by 1,823 medical studies and 1,526 U.S. doctors prescribe it every day. Dentists even use it as an ‘irrigator’ during endodontic procedures and root canals.

And it’s so effective, it could mean the beginning of the end of stenting, angioplasty, bypass and almost ALL unnecessary, invasive, and risky heart surgeries—FOR GOOD.

Are there any side effects? Yes. Amazing ones!

Thousands of people who have used EDTA therapy report…

SPECIAL ALERT: Chelation: Natural Miracle for Protecting Your Heart and Enhancing Your Health.

Learn more about this remarkable life-saver in the just-released Easy Health Options® Alert: Chelation: Natural Miracle for Protecting Your Heart and Enhancing Your Health.

EDTA, first synthesized in Germany in 1935, is a simple amino acid, remarkably similar in composition to common household vinegar.

In fact, EDTA is so safe that the American Heart Association recommends massive direct intravenous injections as treatment for people who have been exposed to toxic levels of lead, mercury, aluminum, and cadmium.

More than 200,000 children in the U.S. have undergone chelation therapy as a treatment for lead poisoning, for example.

And both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) approve of it for use in foods that are enjoyed by everyone from our youngest babies to our oldest seniors.

Plus, its reported to be up to three times safer than an aspirin a day for your heart and circulation, too.

EDTA is used every day to help stabilize fats, oils, and vitamins… to keep potato products from turning brown… to keep fish and shellfish looking fresh in the supermarket…

…to preserve the flavor and consistency of milk products… preserve canned vegetables… keep beer from exploding in your face when you open the can… preserve the flavor of soft drinks… and much, much more.

Blocked Arteries Destroy Hearts, Brains and LIVES!

According to the U.S. government, one in every 300 Americans will be killed by a blocked artery next year.

heart attack victim

Every 34 seconds an American dies as the result of a blocked cardiac artery.

As an American, there’s a 90 percent chance that poor circulation will trigger a serious health problem at some point in your life.

More than 6.8 million Americans undergo heart bypass, balloon angioplasty and other circulation-related procedures each year.

700,000 Americans will suffer a sudden blockage of blood flow to the brain next year — 83 every hour of the day.

Chelation therapy has been conclusively shown to be up to 82 PERCENT EFFECTIVE at dissolving the plaque that blocks arteries!

The Chelation Miracle in Action:

Artery narrowed by atherosclerosis

1. Plaque Begins Clogging Your Arteries In Childhood…

By the time you reached age 10, rogue calcium molecules — calcium deposited where it doesn’t belong — began gluing fatty cholesterol deposits to the inner walls of your coronary arteries, forming plaque.

Normal Blood Flow vs. Blocked Artery due to atherosclerosis

2. Clogged Arteries Can Trigger a Heart or Brain Disaster…

Each year since, your plaque deposits have grown larger, gradually starving your heart, brain cells and every other cell in your body, and setting you up for a serious health problem.

Healthy Coronary Artery vs. Blocked Artery (Blood clot, Severe plaque build up)

3. EDTA Blasts Away Plaque and Leaves Your Arteries Clean:

EDTA helps remove the calcium “glue” from the blockage… plaque is dissolved, leaving artery walls clean. The EDTA — along with the now-harmless calcium and cholesterol are excreted by the kidneys.

SPECIAL ALERT!: Chelation: Natural Miracle For Protecting Your Heart and Enhancing Your Health.


EDTA chelation is given two ways — by IV under a doctor’s supervision or by oral supplements taken at home. The word “chelation” is taken from the Greek word for “claw” — the EDTA grabs and dispatches poisons from your body like an eagle’s claw grabs and dispatches a helpless field mouse.

In 1955, research conducted at the Providence Hospital in Detroit, Michigan found that EDTA also helps claw away rogue calcium in your joints, kidneys, the bones of your inner ear, and that glues cholesterol deposits to the inner walls of your arteries.

In fact, 1,823 scientific studies have proven that EDTA is up to 82% effective at eliminating rogue calcium from plaque, causing clogs to soften, let go and be flushed away!

Put simply, chelation therapy is widely known to be a powerful remedy for — and protection against — heart, joint, kidney and even hearing problems!

To find out everything about this incredible treatment, get our Special Alert: Chelation: Natural Miracle For Protecting Your Heart and Enhancing Your Health.

U.S. medical associations — including the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) — are dedicated to training doctors in the use of chelation therapy to improve hardening of the arteries and other chronic degenerative issues.

As a result, 1,526 U.S. doctors enthusiastically recommend EDTA chelation to their patients. And chelation therapy is given to more than 1 million Americans and 3 million patients in Canada, Europe, Australia, and South America every year.

A healthier circulatory system is the secret to a healthier body

As millions of Americans and others around the world continue to use chelation therapy to remove toxic metals from their bodies and deadly plaque from their circulatory systems, something else is happening — something truly miraculous:

As toxins are removed… as circulatory systems are scrubbed clean… and as abundant supplies of life-giving blood begin surging through their bodies… both patients and doctors report that scores of dangerous, chronic, painful, and even deadly health problems simply vanish:

Order Chelation: Natural Miracle For Protecting Your Heart and Enhancing Your Health and get a SPECIAL Free GIFT!

Customer Claims: Angioplasty Postponed INDEFINITELY!

Daniel J., Crown Point, IN

“My doctor said I had two blocked arteries on the left side of my heart. I needed an angiogram and may need an angioplasty.

“I started chelation therapy and did it for over a year.

“I had a complete heart check after a year of chelation therapy and they found no blockage.”

Daniel J., Crown Point, IN

“I Kissed Costly and Dangerous Blood Pressure Meds GOOD‑BYE!”

“Before I started chelation therapy, my doctor had me using blood pressure medicine.

“I then started chelation therapy and noticed my blood pressure getting lower… So low, in fact, that I was getting dizzy, so I quit taking the medicine entirely.

“Now I only use chelation therapy and my blood pressure is always low! Usually around 120/70 or even lower.”

James R., Marcus, WA

“Heart Clogs Shrunk More Than HALF In Just 90 Days!”

Virginia W., Hemet, CA

“Had a PET scan after being diagnosed with Coronary Artery Problems — it’s 65% improved after 3 months!

Love chelation therapy. My body is responding very well. Doctors are astonished!”

Virginia W., Hemet, CA

“Amazing Drug-Free Cholesterol Miracle!”

“My husband was told his sugar was high and his arteries were starting to harden. We took action and started eating less sugar, started walking, and started chelation therapy.

Upon his next visit to the doctor, all was well. No high sugar or cholesterol, good cholesterol raised and the bad one lowered.”

Jerry G., West Monroe, LA

SPECIAL ALERT!: Chelation: Natural Miracle For Protecting Your Heart and Enhancing Your Health.


More than 100,000 delighted readers swear chelation therapy is changing their lives!

But please — don’t take my word for it. Listen to what actual readers are saying about EDTA chelation:

“I suffer from carotid artery blockage (80%). My doctors sent me to surgery at over age 80. I don’t want to take this very risky surgery. I tried chelation therapy for a trial and wait-and-see. My doctors no longer want me to have surgery.”

M.H., Oceanside, CA

Leslie G., Venice, FL

“I just had my yearly complete physical check-up and I find after using chelation therapy for a year, my total cholesterol is down 20 points and well in an acceptable range — also blood pressure and heart rate is very satisfactory.”

Leslie G., Venice, FL

“We began chelation therapy and have seen a big improvement in our eyesight, recovery from paralysis that was due to chemical poisoning, and general well being and ability to concentrate. Thank you so much!”

Bill & Jo I., Palm Bay, FL

Joan M. of Houston, Texas used to suffer from insomnia. Now she says, "I sleep like a baby, spider veins going away, no more ringing in the ears. I am never tired, my day starts at 5:00 a.m., lots of energy.”

“When I used to get up I could not make a fist because of joint pain. Chelation therapy stopped all the pain and now I can make a fist. I’ve noticed that my eyesight has improved tremendously.”

Bobby S., Browns Summit, NC

Sandra F., Chatworth, CA

“Chelation therapy helped me return to full health after major surgery.”

Sandra F., Chatworth, CA

“My memory has improved, and my joints and cartilage functions have increased. Now I can walk, swim and ride my bike, thanks to chelation therapy.”

Donald R., Little Ferry, NJ

“I found out from the doctor that I had blood sugar problems and also a touch of joint pain. But after chelation therapy, no pain and my blood sugar is staying in the range close to where it should be.”

Robert H., Lennon, MI

James J., Elkins, WV

“I have an enlarged prostate. After beginning chelation therapy for about a week, it seemed that some of my problems lessened. Now that is the main reason that I am continuing with chelation therapy.”

James J., Elkins, WV

“Since chelation therapy, the varicose veins have decreased and sometimes disappeared.”

Jacqueline B., Perris, CA

“Chelation therapy has made me feel like 20 years old again — truly a miracle.”

Robert P., Woodsville, NH

Theresa S., Barnegut, NJ

“My memory seems to have improved, my blood pressure count is less, and I don’t have to take an aspirin every day. I’m sleeping better.”

Theresa S., Barnegut, NJ

Order Chelation: Natural Miracle For Protecting Your Heart and Enhancing Your Health and get a SPECIAL Free GIFT!

“From Invalid to IN‑CREDIBLE!”

D.O.W., Barry, TX

“I have been a semi-invalid near 23 years… able to get up a while most days.

“Since using chelation therapy, I am able to walk up to seven miles.

“My feet and legs looked like turkey wattles, and now they are nearly completely clear, telling me that chelation therapy cleans out my arteries and veins.”

D.O.W., Barry, TX

“My Sight has Improved!”

“After about four weeks, when I watched television at night I saw beautiful deep lovely colors and could read the captions much faster because I saw the printing very clear. My sight has improved!

“After about five weeks… a new surprise… my hearing! Even the quality of the music on the stereo is better.”

Emily C.K., Los Angeles, CA

“Varicose Veins ERASED!”

Maggie W., Charlestown, WV

“Due to varicose veins, my ankle bone down to my heel had turned black.

“Within a couple of weeks of chelation therapy, the area began turning purple. Now, I’m back to regular skin color… the improvement was DRAMATIC!”

Maggie W., Charlestown, WV

“Much better sex lately!”

“I got chelation therapy and after about a month, I noticed I was waking up in the morning more like a teenager would. (Apparently, my circulation was already improved!)

“I know I should have, but I didn’t tell the little woman. She is probably wondering how I have managed to perform so much better lately when I am only getting four or five hours of sleep a night.

“The reason I tried chelation therapy was mostly for her. I am so happy that it’s working.”

M.R.D., Covington, Kentucky

SPECIAL ALERT!: Chelation: Natural Miracle For Protecting Your Heart and Enhancing Your Health.


Our files are full to overflowing with documented success stories and unqualified praise like this…

Almost every day, we get more letters from people who are amazed that chelation therapy is working for them. Fact is, I could fill more than 75 typewritten pages with amazing success stories just like these:

Henry W. of Barnett, Missouri says, “Chelation therapy dropped my blood pressure 30 points in just two weeks!”

Elmer Y. of Ludington, Michigan writes, “After a month of chelation therapy, I had a sediment in my urine which was plaque coming from me. About three weeks later, another check showed considerable less plaque. My shortness of breath was lessened also.”

Robert B. of Paramount, California tells us that he was suffering from chest pains before trying chelation therapy. “Now,” he says, “I have no pain.”

Regal L. of La Luz, New Mexico is thrilled with the results chelation therapy has produced for a friend saying, “He is about 95% back from severe memory loss.”

80-year old Hurschel R. of Jonesboro, Arkansas writes, “Since I tried chelation therapy, I can tell my eyes have gotten better and I can read lots of things without wearing glasses.”

Carole D. of Hornell, New York wanted us to know that, “Your chelation dissolved my kidney stone in 21 days.”

Emilia K. of Los Angeles wrote to tell us, “My irregular heartbeat is also improved.”

Alice F. of Marysville, Ohio is delighted: “I had an ulcer on my leg and it went away after chelation therapy,” she says.

John M. of Clarissa, Minnesota has bronchitis and was using it twice a day as well as his inhaler. His experience: “Now after four months on chelation therapy, I use no nebulizer or inhaler and breathe and feel good.”

And Wendy K. of Troy, Tennessee writes, “I feel renewed and full of energy. Chelation therapy is GREAT!”

Order Chelation: Natural Miracle For Protecting Your Heart and Enhancing Your Health and get a SPECIAL Free GIFT!

Can you name a single treatment that can boast of successes like these? Safely and naturally? …Without negative side effects?

Bill W. of Garland, Texas was admitted to emergency about 10 times in 21 months — 7 times for breathing difficulties and three times to get his heart rhythm back to normal.

Bill wrote to tell us, “I have felt good and not even close to having to go back to the hospital. My angina is almost 100% gone, heart arrhythmia about 80% corrected, breathing is 20% to 30% better, blood pressure is down to 120 over 68 [and] cholesterol is down from about 250 to 185.”

Todd M. of Phoenix, Arizona

Before he discovered chelation therapy, Todd M. of Phoenix, Arizona was in fair shape, with a blood pressure reading of 130/85.

Now, Todd says, “I have been using chelation therapy in excess of a year and my blood pressure is now 110/60. My heart rate (resting) has dropped from 80 to 65, and I have fewer ‘floaters’ in my field of vision.”

Marge B. of Tonawanda, New York used to have dangerously high cholesterol levels — around 210.

Recently, she wrote me to say, “I have just finished my third month of chelation therapy. I have my energy back. My cholesterol is now 163.”

Walter W. of Somers, Connecticut had suffered sexual dysfunction since his 50s and had tried several therapies claiming to restore sexual vitality and response.

Walter wrote us to say, “I have been getting chelation therapy for nearly a year and I’ve noticed some significant changes. In the last month or so I have been experiencing almost nightly erections, something I haven’t done for a long time. It can only be chelation therapy that has brought this to happen.”

Mrs. Harry M. of Martinsburg, West Virginia

Mrs. Harry M. of Martinsburg, West Virginia was suffering from trouble with her sciatic nerve, severe lower back pain, and right leg pain.

She says, “It is so much better in these few weeks we have been using chelation therapy.”

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“Painful Leg Cramps VANISHED!”

After the first month I noticed a big difference with the problem of Intermittent Claudication, which was causing my calf muscles to cramp when walking.

“When I went off chelation therapy for a couple of weeks… the cramping returned.

“Now I (have returned to chelation therapy) and my intermittent claudication cramping has not returned.”

Marian T., Lancaster, PA

“Restful sleep”

Betty C., RN Rockville, MD

“The biggest change I notice is how well I sleep. I have never slept so well in my life. Since chelation therapy, I get deep restful sleep.”

Betty C., RN Rockville, MD

“Edema down”

“I suffer from edema in my feet and legs where the water builds up and they are constantly swollen. At the end of three weeks the swelling was extremely reduced.

William F. Jr., Middletown, MD

“Breathing better!”

Carmen F., Schenectady, NY

“I was suffering with breathing problems and I could not walk even one block from my house to the store. I was always having chest pain, but since I started chelation therapy, I feel better, I breathe better, and walk more without problems.

Carmen F., Schenectady, NY

SPECIAL ALERT!: Chelation: Natural Miracle For Protecting Your Heart and Enhancing Your Health.


Remarkable scientific breakthrough: The astonishing power of chelation therapy is now in your hands!

Now, this information is right at your fingertips in your copy of Chelation: Natural Miracle For Protecting Your Heart and Enhancing Your Health.

Inside these pages, you’ll discover:

In fact, I’m so convinced that chelation therapy will not only improve your life, but actually save it, I’m making it easier for you to find out about it yourself — right now.

SPECIAL ALERT!: Chelation: Natural Miracle For Protecting Your Heart and Enhancing Your Health.

You Can Receive This Lifesaving Special Alert At Introductory Savings — HALF OFF the $39.95 Cover Price — And Receive Three Special FREE Gifts, Too!

Because this unique Heart Alert is so important for the health of so many people, I’ve arranged for you to receive it for HALF OFF the $39.95 published price.

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And why not order now, since you're protected by…

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The lifesaving, blood pressure lowering information you’ll find in your Special Alert — Chelation: Natural Miracle For Protecting Your Heart and Enhancing Your Health is so groundbreaking you won’t find it anywhere else.

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What’s more, when you order today, Friday, March 28, 2025, you’ll also receive THREE SPECIAL FREE GIFTS…

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Imagine if your medicine cabinet contained just 10 remedies. And these remedies could help resolve scores of health problems. Well guess what?

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With EDTA chelation, plaque can be dissolved throughout your entire circulatory system. Lifegiving blood, vital nutrients, hormones, oxygen and other substances once again can reach every cell in your body — including your precious heart and brain.

The health miracles keep on coming, thanks to EDTA chelation therapy:

Could you be the next miracle from EDTA chelation?

The price of the life saving information you’ll find in Chelation: Natural Miracle For Protecting Your Heart and Enhancing Your Health is pennies in comparison to the cost of doctors visits, prescription medications, and hospitalizations!

And remember, you must be thrilled with what you receive, or you’ll get all your money back. Every penny. You risk nothing — and you don’t have to return a thing!


Discover how you can safely and naturally scrub plaque from your arteries…

…without prescription drugs…

…without dangerous surgeries…

…and without breaking the bank!

Nothing’s more important than lasting heart health for you and your loved ones. You deserve to know the truth about the amazing natural remedy that’s helping millions around the world, each and every day.


Yours for healthy living,

Margaret Cantwell signature

Margaret Cantwell
Editor, Easy Health Digest™

P.S. Remember when you order today, Friday, March 28, 2025, you’ll receive your three extra special FREE Bonus Reports…

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