But it’s time you heard the truth about today’s popular heart treatments — the truth you’re not being told. PLUS discover new natural secrets for reversing heart disease such as…
Dear Friend,
You’re receiving this urgent Easy Health Options® Alert for three lifesaving reasons…
My name is Margaret Cantwell, and as Editor for Easy Health Options®, I know first hand the devastation of heart disease. Every 34 seconds somebody dies of a heart attack in the United States. For 50 percent of heart attack victims, there were no warning signs — the first symptom is death! And, sadly, one million Americans die each year from hardening of arteries.
Because of these grim statistics — and because many heart problems can be relieved, even reversed, naturally — we’re presenting a Special Easy Health Options® Alert that finally gives you the real story of heart disease.
It’s titled: Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments. As you’re about to see, this exclusive report…
Here’s an advance preview of what you’ll discover in this must-read Alert, starting with…
Coronary bypass surgery for atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries) is BIG business in America. Cardiologists do more than 400,000 bypasses a year, helping to fuel the $200 billion-a-year high-tech heart industry in this country.
A bypass surgery creates a detour or “bypass” around clogged, hardened arteries to restore blood flow to your heart using veins grafted from other parts of your body. But what heart surgeons aren’t telling you is…
But in your Special Easy Health Options® Alert, Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments, you’ll discover…
The amazing “super nutrient” that can sweep away decades of dangerous plaque clogging your arteries without surgery, stents or risks.
Nobel Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling hails this natural therapy as “the one that might end the need for bypass surgery.”
As you’ll read on page 68 of this Special Alert, this breakthrough is a remarkable amino acid with a composition similar to household vinegar. Yet when you take regular treatments of it, it can do a miracle for your heart!
For instance, 58 out of 65 patients suffering from heart disease improved so dramatically from this natural therapy they cancelled their bypass surgeries! And more than 76 percent of patients with heart disease showed marked improvement in their symptoms with this natural wonder.
Even better, it’s FDA-approved as safe — even to be used in baby food… up to three times safer then aspirin… and is now available to you in a capsule that costs as little as 23 cents — think bypass-in-a-pill!
Plus, you’ll read about other cutting-edge natural heart healing breakthroughs such as…
We also want to warn you about…
The fact is, coronary angiograms, the tool most revered by heart surgeons, are not all they’re cracked up to be. In fact, they can be highly inaccurate!
As you may know, an angiogram is an x-ray image of your arteries to show whether a blood vessel is blocked, constricted or malformed. A dye is injected into your arteries to pinpoint the location and extent of any blockages. Sounds easy enough, right?
The problem is, a shocking study by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute reveals that “inaccurate assessments of angiograms are common.” In fact, their study showed that angiograms are only accurate within 25 percent of actual degree of arterial closure!
According to Harvard Medical School, nearly one in three angioplasties are “completely inappropriate” according to established guidelines!
If that’s not bad enough, catheters used in an angioplasty can disrupt plaque, releasing small pieces that can block smaller blood vessels. And an angioplasty can tear your arteries and even trigger a heart attack or stroke!
With inaccurate test results, poor surgical results and unseen hazards like these, we have made sure you get the real story in Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments.
Only here will you discover better and safer options for determining your heart disease and/or heart attack risk and clearing clogged arteries, including…
You also need to be alerted to…
WRONG! Dead wrong!
Did you know that heart surgeons in the United States make 150 percent more money than the president of the United States? That’s right. It’s not uncommon for U.S. heart surgeons to make more than $1 million a year.
And why not, with sky-high price tags on aggressive heart treatments such as these…
You can see how easy it would be for a heart surgeon to make more than a million dollars a year — and then some!
And with insurance companies often picking up a big part of the tab, people are more willing to agree to these types of aggressive heart treatments.
But what the rich heart surgeons don’t want you to know is… sometimes DOING NOTHING works just as well as surgery!
In a shocking study revealed by Harvard Medical School, two groups of patients with heart problems were either given laser surgery to improve blood flow or a “placebo” surgery (that is, they thought they were getting surgery, but no surgery was done).
Patients who received the laser surgery had significantly less pain and improved heart function, but so did those who had no surgery. The “placebo” surgery worked just as well, and even better, after 30 months, this placebo effect was still there.
This is why Dr. David Walters, chief of cardiology at the University of California, San Francisco, says, “The overwhelming number of heart procedures done these days do not affect patients’ life spans at all.”
In case after case, a conservative approach is often better or just as effective as more aggressive approaches to heart disease. And in your Easy Health Options® Alert, Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments, you’ll discover safe, conservative, do-no-harm alternatives such as…
We also want to warn you about…
For the past 20 years, the heart industry has made high cholesterol the “demon” behind heart attacks and strokes.
And their tactics have worked. More than 13 million American take cholesterol-lowering statin drugs — and more than $22 billion a year is spent worldwide on these drugs, with the bulk of sales in the United States.
In addition, a new study touting statins protecting people with normal cholesterol from heart attack and strokes should send statin sales through the roof!
What’s more, food manufacturers have jumped on the “lower cholesterol” bandwagon, touting healthy foods with “no cholesterol”… or “cholesterol lowering.”
But you’re only hearing half the story!
What big drug companies and food makers don’t want you to know is…
So what’s the real cholesterol story?
New research reveals that low levels of HDL “good” cholesterol put you at even greater risk for heart attack or stroke than high LDL cholesterol levels.
In fact, a Harvard Medical School study found that the ratio of low HDL cholesterol and high triglycerides is the strongest predictor of heart attack, even more accurate than the LDL/HDL ratio.
The same study states that people with the highest ratio of triglycerides to HDL cholesterol have a heart attack risk that’s 16 TIMES HIGHER than those with the lowest ratio!
Yet statin drugs do NOTHING to raise HDL “good” cholesterol or lower triglycerides!
In your Special Alert, Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments, you’ll discover…
You also need to be told the truth about…
A lot of people with parents, siblings or relatives who’ve suffered from heart disease or a heart attack believe they are destined for the same fate. They’ve heard or read the statistics that claim a person with a family history of heart disease is 10 times as likely to suffer from heart disease as the person who has no family history of the disease.
These people think, “I have little or no control of my genetics, so I might as well accept the fact I’ll have heart disease, too.”
Thinking like this makes my blood boil because it’s just not true! And new research backs this up.
The Journal of the American Medical Association reports that the current crop of published genetic factors linking family history and heart disease are “worse than random at predicting cardiac risk.”
Yes, there are cases where families all seem to have heart disease or heart attacks, but my point is, these cases do not necessarily correlate to larger populations. In plain English, just because someone in your family has had heart disease or a heart attack does NOT mean you’ll suffer the same fate.
There are many safe, easy and inexpensive steps you can take, right now, that dramatically reduce your risk of heart disease and heart attack — and I’ll reveal the best of them in Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments.
In your Special Alert, you’ll discover…
But that’s not all. You’ll also be privy to the real story behind…
The Medical Establishment wants you to believe that you’ll only cure your heart disease or heart problems if you depend on invasive techniques such as angiograms, angioplasties and open heart surgery.
Medical doctors only see heart disease as a physical problem. But it’s a big mistake to ignore emotional and mind/body factors as you try to prevent, reverse or eliminate heart disease and heart attack risk.
For example, did you know that if you reduce stress in your life, you reduce the risk of dying of heart disease by 400 percent?
That’s right. Research shows that heart disease patients are four times less likely to die of heart disease if they are taught stress reduction techniques. As a bonus, stress reduction also improves moods and quality of life.
Yet most people suffering from heart disease don’t get the truth about stress relief and other non-physical factors. That’s why in Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments you’ll discover…
But the best news of all?
Order our Special Alert, Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments, today with absolutely no risk.
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Don’t fall victim to the high-tech heart scams that often do more damage than good. When you can get the truth about treating heart disease.
The lifesaving information in Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments is so groundbreaking you won’t find it anywhere else.
You won’t find in it in your local bookstore… you won’t find it on Amazon! It’s only available directly from Easy Health Options®.
Shockingly, the U.S. government is candid when assessing the poor track record of a popular treatment, bypass surgery.
In one of its pamphlets, Medicine for the Layman — Heart Attacks, the government admits, “There is no evidence that bypass surgery makes the heart pump better — some evidence shows it may actually decrease efficiency.”
Sadly, this is only one example of the abuses found in treating heart disease in America today. The good news is, you don’t ever have to be a victim!
Order Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments and discover how easily you can…
But that’s not all I want to send you!
For the sake of your own health and that of your loved ones, you deserve to know the truth about treating heart disease today…
That’s why, when you order today, Friday, March 28, 2025, I want to send you another one of our urgent reports — Healing Miracles For The Heart…
In this eye-opening report, you’ll discover…
This is a $19.95 value, you’ll get FREE!
But that’s not all…
When you claim your copy of Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments today, Friday, March 28, 2025, I’ll also send you…
Amazingly Simple Solutions for Great Health — a $19.95 value, FREE!
In this life-changing Special Report, you’ll discover 10 simple remedies — some of which could be on your shelves right now — that can help you ease or reverse 100 health problems, such as…
This is a $19.95 value, you’ll get FREE when you order today, Friday, March 28, 2025!
So why not get your copies right now?
You’ll get:
That’s a total value of $79.85!
But the reality is these urgent, natural, strategies are priceless when it comes protecting your heart health… and you won’t find them anywhere else!
The price of this life saving information is pennies in comparison to the cost of doctors’ visits, prescription medications and invasive surgeries!
And remember, you must be thrilled with what you receive, or you’ll get all your money back. Every penny. You risk nothing — and you don’t have to return a thing!
Don’t have the wool pulled over your eyes. Get the truth about popular heart treatments and learn about natural heart cures!
I’ll leave you with two other common misconceptions:
That’s why you need to know how to restore blood flow to your heart… naturally!
Hushed Up Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments gives you the proven strategies you need to help keep your heart in great shape — even if you have a family history.
Yours for easy health,
Margaret Cantwell
Editor, Easy Health Options®
P.S. Remember… when you place your order today, Friday, March 28, 2025, you get Hushed Up Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments, Healing Miracles For The Heart! and Amazingly Simple Solutions for Great Health!
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