Why? Because they know their ‘gold standard’ treatment — chemotherapy — is Highly Ineffective and Extremely Toxic!
YOU Deserve More Than a 5-Year Survival Rate! That’s Why In this Special Report YOU Can Discover How To:
Dear Friend,
Powerful cancer treatment and prevention alternatives are being suppressed every day — even though they could save countless lives.
Possibly worse is the fact that many of the most highly-regarded conventional cancer treatments pushed on desperate patients have dismal failure rates. And that information is being covered up — at your risk!
That’s why you’ve probably never heard that…
But they still tout it as their “gold-standard” treatment. But, by now, most of us know only two to four percent of cancers even respond well to chemotherapy.
If that’s not appalling — I don’t know what is!
So we dug into the research and uncovered some remarkably safe and effective alternatives.
Because this information was not widely available to the general public, we decided to write a new Special Medical Guide titled: Surviving Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Causes, Treatments and Big Business Behind Medicine’s Most Frightening Diagnosis!
In this comprehensive guide, filled with many of today’s cutting-edge, natural cancer-fighting breakthroughs, you’ll discover…
Better, effective natural health treatment options seem to be leaving conventional therapies in the dust! But that’s not all your doctor’s office may be lagging in…
According to Dr. Devra Lee Davis, M.P.H., Ph.D., founding director of the world’s first Center for Environmental Oncology, “Mammography is one of the most oversold and understudied technologies in medical history. To continue to assert that mammography will save lives flies in the face of huge numbers of studies on the topic.”
And I couldn’t agree more! Please let me explain why…
The $4 billion-a-year mammogram industry urges women to rely on x-ray tests to protect their health. But what they don ’t tell you is…
Mammograms are really an unnecessary and even harmful treatment.
A study by researchers from the Nordic Cochrane Center in Denmark reviewed the benefits and negative effects of seven breast cancer screening programs on 500,000 women — and the results were shocking.
For every 2,000 women who received mammograms over a 10-year period, only one would have her life prolonged, but ten would be harmed.
That’s because mammograms can actually increase a woman ’s risk of developing breast cancer by as much as 3 percent per year by irradiating the breast cells and triggering breast cancer.
Just as shocking is that conventional medicine refuses to rely on other testing methods that have been proven more effective at catching breast cancer — and other cancers — in their earliest stages.
And not only are they more effective — they don’t cause cancer!
From the very first page of our comprehensive guide, you’ll find new ways to cancer — proof your life or be prepared to make healthier treatment choices, as you read about…
Just as important, you ’ll discover when conventional cancer therapies put your health at greater risk. For example…
You’ll find so much need-to-know information in this guide, you’ll wonder why the medical establishment EVER put so much faith in treatments, tests and drugs that just don’t really do the job! Medicine should be cut and dry, but…
If you search the Urban Dictionary for the meaning of the phrase above, you’ll find it means: Everything is quantifiable in terms of individual perception.
What does that have to do with cancer? Everything…
If you or a loved one has breast cancer, doctors may recommend the drug Tamoxifen. You ’ll likely hear that it reduces the chances of breast cancer recurring by an impressive 49 percent — based on “relative” numbers.
But the truth is, based on absolute numbers, Tamoxifen reduces the risk of breast cancer returning by 1.6 percent — 30 times less than advertised.
The big drug companies love relative numbers. Relative numbers can be manipulated in many ways.
And Big Pharma has a way of making sure they are manipulated in a way that makes for a fat bottom-line profit — regardless of how ineffective the medicine truly is!
The general public is truly at the mercy of those providing the “facts” and figures. But once you know the truth — it’s hard to ignore, just like this…
You may have heard through the major media that by treating early stage breast cancer, there ’s a 91 percent cure rate over five years. NONSENSE!
You can get the same cure rate by doing nothing, as breast cancer is a very slow growing cancer.
My point is: Don ’t be fooled by "relative" numbers. Get the real facts like this one…
14-year study by two oncologists in Australia reported in the film "A Shocking Look at Cancer Studies" that treatment for all of our major cancers is totally ineffective — way below a 10 percent success rate.
But in Surviving Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Causes, Treatments and Big Business Behind Medicine’s Most Frightening Diagnosis, you ’ll discover secrets that work far better, such as…
With this kind of information staring them in the face, why do doctors refuse to believe there are better alternatives?
It’s the ugly truth: There is money to be made in cancer. In fact, drug companies pay oncologists to promote high-priced but ineffective cancer drugs.
According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, as much as 75 percent of the average oncologist’s earnings come from selling chemotherapy drugs in his or her office. And at a substantial mark-up!
Americans pay the highest amount for prescription drugs in the world. Big Pharma will say it ’s due to research and development. But the U.S. drug industry spent over $33.5 billion in promotional costs last year.
A former drug rep from Eli Lily testified before Congress saying, "Pharmaceutical companies hire former cheerleaders and ex-models to wine and dine doctors, exaggerate drug benefits and underplay side effects."
Worse, they pay oncologists kickbacks to push their drugs.
For example, AstraZeneca, Inc. had to pay $280 million in civil penalties and $63 million in criminal penalties to the federal government because it paid kickbacks to doctors for promoting its prostate cancer drug.
But in our new Special Medical Guide, Surviving Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Causes, Treatments and Big Business Behind Medicine’s Most Frightening Diagnosis, you ’ll read all about non-drug treatments for cancer that work wonders, including…
Doctors aren’t the only ones under the control of these ruthless pharmaceutical companies. Their power extends to our very own government…
The harassment of doctors using natural therapies to treat cancers has been going on for more than 50 years in America.
Any doctor treating malignant tumors with detoxification, immune stimulation, nutrient, herb and juice fasting secrets from Europe, Tibet, China and India was labeled a quack — and even threatened with losing their license to continue treating cancer patients.
Point: If you want to treat cancer in America, you better do as the Federal Trade Commission says!
And that means ignoring mountains of clinical research, scientific findings and case studies that reveal:
Cancer patients are slowing down, reversing and even eliminating the disease from their bodies using natural means!
Take the case of William Kelley, DDS. Dr. Kelley discovered a natural enzyme therapy that, combined with strict nutrition and a detoxification regime, "digested" pancreatic cancer cells.
This therapy achieved nearly a 90 percent, five-year survival rate for close to 33,000 patients — even though pancreatic cancer is by far the most rapid and deadly cancer.
What did the government do when they heard about Dr. Kelley ’s amazing discovery? They threw him in jail!
According to the FTC, "Anyone mentioning a cure for cancer is automatically a quack, regardless of science backing their position." By their own admission, they state that any mention of a cancer "cure" is by itself fraudulent.
And anyone using the word "cure" on a website to promote a product is instantly presumed to be guilty of criminal acts. That’s blatant censorship!
But we won ’t hold anything back from you. In this new Special Medical Guide, Surviving Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Causes, Treatments and Big Business Behind Medicine’s Most Frightening Diagnosis, you ’ll discover…
I’m talking about specific cancer-fighting supplements, foods and diets… tips on cleansing and juicing to reduce your cancer risk… and more natural cancer remedies at your fingertips than you could find in hours of research — IF you had that kind of access!
Just look at what you’ll get…
A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Causes, Treatments and Big Business Behind Medicine’s Most Frightening Diagnosis!
A “treasury” is a fitting description of our new Special Medical Guide because it gives you virtually ALL the information you need to cancer-proof your body and to take the best course of action should you or a loved one ever get cancer.
You can’t put a price tag on your life or the life of a loved one. But this is certain…
The unprecedented wealth of information you ’ll find here is virtually priceless for protecting your health and well-being for years to come!
You’ll discover…
There’s no better time than right now to take the first step to cancer-proofing your life! But I know it’s easy to put off until tomorrow even the things that we know are important!
Well, let this be your wake-up call: Cancer accounts for nearly 1 of every 4 deaths!
And according to the American Cancer Society there will be an estimated 1.9 million new cancer cases diagnosed and 609,820 cancer deaths in the U.S. this year alone.
Is that a risk you’re willing to take with the current medical system that can’t see beyond cutting, burning, radiating, and dousing your body with harsh chemical cocktails? I hope not…
Especially when you can get this new Surviving Cancer guide, plus two FREE gifts, all for only $19.95 today! That’s half off the cover price!
We developed two special reports to send along with this special medical guide, Surviving Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Causes, Treatments and Big Business Behind Medicine’s Most Frightening Diagnosis — and they are yours FREE when you order today, starting with…
FREE Bonus Report #1: Eating for Healthy Alkaline Balance (A $19.95 value!). It ’s a scientific and medical fact… acidity in the body creates the perfect environment for disease to flourish!
In this FREE report, you ’ll discover…
FREE Bonus Report #2: The Juice Solution for Healthy Living (A $19.95 value!). Juicing is popular for a valid reason: It turbocharges the healing power of nutrients!
In this special FREE report, you’ll learn…
Click HERE to get these FREE reports and your SURVIVING CANCER Guide today!
That is a $79.85 value! But that’s not what you’ll pay when you order today!
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I only ask that you read this Surviving Cancer guide end to end. Then, if you are in any way dissatisfied, let us know — and you ’ll promptly receive a FULL REFUND. This is a LIFETIME money-back guarantee, not a pro-rated one. Plus, you don ’t even have to return the digital book or hard copy. What could be more fair than that?
Before you move on with your day, let me share one more important fact. And remember — facts are not meant to scare, but to empower you…
Virtually every person has cancer cells in his or her body. But what you do, starting today, can make the difference IF those cancer cells remain dormant or if they ’re triggered.
Remember, as a patient or a health-minded person just trying to avoid the worst — you deserve to be well-informed about your own body’s cancer fighting capability, the multitude of natural and other health-building methods used with increasing success and the power of the human mind and spirit in fighting and avoiding this disease.
Yours for cancer-free living,
Margaret Cantwell
Editor, Easy Health Options®
P.S. Your health is too important to put off for another day — and those who love you will tell you the same. Cancer touches us all in one way or another and I can think of no better gift to yourself or someone you love than to cancer-proof your life. Get started today!
P.P.S. Special Bonus Report Just Added! Order today, Friday, March 28, 2025, and you’ll also receive A Directory of Medical Doctors who Practice Natural Medicine in Your Area, a $19.95 value, absolutely FREE! This special report contains the names and contact information of doctors across the United States who specialize in alternative and complimentary therapies for treating cancer — and other illness.
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